Our Team

Kerstin Wegen

Founder and Director

Kerstin was born in the Rhineland and spent various periods of her life in Bonn, Wuppertal, and in Spain. She has studied English and Spanish language in Cologne and Spain and Economics at the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics (University of Wuppertal). After having gained professional business experience in industry, book trade and event management, she started working in the tourism industry in 1995.


She worked as a project manager in the tourism industry for 18 years and was last responsible for planning, organizing and implementing intercultural exchange programs for youth groups and professional groups from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South America, and Europe, with a thematic focus on music, economy, sciences, arts, and sports.


Living in Remagen, located at the beginning of the Romantic Rhine Valley, since 2009, she founded her own travel company specialized in technical tours, art tours and creative tours. Customers will benefit from her numerous professional and private, national and international trips with a focus on arts, art history and music, as well as from her professional experience, flexibility and long-term professional contacts all over Europe.

Rebecca Owens

Senior Program Manager

Rebecca joined WegenKunstReisen in July 2019. She has worked in the tourism industry for over 15 years, arranging special interest itineraries for groups from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South America, and Europe, with a focus on music, educational, professional tours, and sports.


She has lived and studied in the US, completed her internationally focused studies at the University of Bonn. She has worked for and with commercial industries, companies and non-governmental organizations at local and international levels. She not only promotes cultural exchange in her day-to-day work, but on a personal basis continues to explore many corners of the world in an attempt to learn more about foreign cultures, their people, and herself.


Wether teaching English to refugees in India, rambling with an RV through New Zealand's natural wonders, or curating the "KunstamStrand" sculpture exhibition in Sylt, she likes to peel back the obvious to discover the hidden layers travel has to offer. This curiosity has carried her to the Americas, New Zealand, the South Pacific, Africa, Asia, and throughout Europe; Rome still being one of her favorite "onions".


Her home base is Bonn, where she lives with her family.

Claudia Häuser-Mogge

Tour Manager

All of our Berlin tours will be accompanied by a local expert who knows her city by heart. Your guide Claudia has been living in Berlin for more than 30 years. As a licensed guide and „professional Berliner“, she offers city tours in Berlin and its surroundings.


While working as a head of a financial institution, she experienced first hand the fall of the Berlin wall. Influenced through her profession, she has always had an interest in getting further insight into different companies and their philosophies, as well as, their new developments.

In 2003, she turned her passion into her profession and left the financial industry to become a licensed guide. With a strong personal interest in contemporary art, she loves to explore the local museums and art galleries with her groups but also likes to weave cultural diversity and the many historical twists of the city into her tours.


„It is important to me to create a dialouge with my guests, and to have fun, of course.“


My motto is „stay curious“ or “The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on earth.” (Linji Yixuan)

Company Profile

Brochure Company Profile


Broschüre Selbstdarstellung


Brochure Music & Dance




Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Koblenz/IHK German Chamber of Commerce


Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk/German Youth Hostel Federation


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WegenKunstReisen - Kerstin Wegen - Marktstraße 72 - 53424 Remagen (Germany) +49 (0) 2642 958500 - info@wegenkunstreisen.de - © WegenKunstReisen 2024