Our gift of Nature!


Environmental education and outdoor adventures are essential parts of our agenda. Sustainability, environmental consciousness, and eco-friendly living are as much a part of European culture as our extensive history and have never been more important for our future than today.

Europe is scattered with Natural Parks, Reserves and even Biospheres or Geoparks, where visitors are encouraged to participate in responsible eco-engagement to experience what nature has to offer and reveal how delicate its balance can be. Whether hiking through protected wildlife areas, climbing over boulders and glaciers or sitting quietly and observably in our bird reserves, your options are close to endless and our options bring you closer to nature and the world around us. So, gather your walking boots, GPS and binoculars, and here we go!

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WegenKunstReisen - Kerstin Wegen - Marktstraße 72 - 53424 Remagen (Germany) +49 (0) 2642 958500 - info@wegenkunstreisen.de - © WegenKunstReisen 2024